MSU ChemE Car

CHemE Car

ChemE Car is a student run organization under MSU’s AIChE chapter. In ChemE Car, students have the opportunity to use knowledge they have gained in the classroom along with additional knowledge gained through initial research and discussions with their peers to create a “ChemE Car”. COVID has made this year a little interesting, and as such, we had a makeup competition in the Fall semester for 2020 and will have the usual annual competition in April of 2021.

The goal is to create a small vehicle run on one chemical reaction and stopped with another. Details regarding the competition and competition rules can be found below in the “COMPETITION” section.

Weekly Meetings

WHEN: Every Monday @ 6pm


Lab times/dates TBD

Team Leadership


Team Captain

Deja vu? No, you saw me on the officer’s page too. Hello! I am Delaney Stine and I am the team captain for ChemE Car this year. I am a senior set to graduate in May. I have been a part of ChemE Car for 1.5 real years now. (I went to the first meeting my freshman year and never got information for the second meeting.) I have competed in our virtual competitions this year, but have not had the opportunity to do it in person.


Team Co-captain

Hello, I'm Jake. I'm a sophomore from Colorado Springs, and I've been a part of ChemE car since then the start of last year. I led the start reaction team and got the opportunity to compete in this past years virtual competition. I'm looking forward to the upcoming opportunities to compete!


Start and Stop Reaction Heads

Start Reaction: (who knows, this could be you here?)

Stop Reaction: (or maybe this is you and that was your best friend up there?)

ChemE Car Comp.jpg

The Competition

Every year AIChE puts on a competition for the ChemE Cars that schools have worked on throughout the year. The first one is competed at regionals with schools in your area geographically. If the team does well enough, they will move on to nationals to compete against the one or two winners from each region. These competitions usually take place in and around the second half-end of April.

Teams compete first in a poster presentation where they explain their car design, the reactions used to start and stop the car, any unique features of their car, and how they intend to keep everything safe. If the poster is satisfactory, the team moves on to the “driving” competition. During this section of the competition, teams are given a distance that they must try to get their car as close as possible to with point deductions for being under or over the distance.

All rules regarding the competition can be found at under the competition rules and safety rules at the bottom of the page.

Left: We have a picture taken during the 2020 makeup Nationals Competition. (Left to right) Lance Nichols is seen pushing the syringe filled with the stop chemical while Delaney Stine videos the run on her phone for the judges and Jacob Beman displays the start line to prove no funny business is happening.


I’m only a freshman, do i have anything to contribute?

You freshman have got to stop being so hard on yourselves. We all start somewhere, and the team would love to have you. Even if you aren’t far enough in your education to help calculate some of the more complex things, there is plenty for you to do. Most of our time is spent in the lab collecting data from chemicals we have mixed (just don’t accidentally mess up your measurements and create iodine gas, we all make mistakes). But before we even go into the lab, a lot of time is spent researching different ideas and car concepts by everyone on the team. All of those ideas are brought to the whole group for discussion, and none of them are thrown out before consideration.

i’m worried about covid. What is being done to stop from spreading in the club?

The campus and the community are all doing their best to stop the spread of COVID-19. For us, that means that all meetings outside of lab work will be held online through WebEx and when in the lab, only 10 individuals may be in the lab at any given time, they must all wear face masks the entire time, surfaces are to be wiped down before and after use, and interaction between members closer than 6 feet is limited to 15 minutes (these keeps us from all getting quarantined). With these measures it is our hope that even if one member of the team gets COVID that no one else will be infected or have to go into quarantine.

WHy should I join?

Because it is awesome! Need I say more? Yes, okay fine, I’ll give you a real answer. This club is a really great opportunity to apply what you are learning in the classroom in a real way. Those internships and job applications are always looking for you to have experience and this gives you some hands on experience mixing chemicals, collecting data, performing statistical analysis on your data, using Excel to create graphs and determine whether your idea is working or needs changed, and more. On the topic of jobs, it is always a great conversation starter at the career fair if there’s that awkward silence. Finally, it’s a great way to meet new people, especially during current times. You might meet some classmates in the club and start a study group or if you make friends with the upper classmen they can help you with some of that pesky homework.

I’m not a ChEm E, can i still join?

Yes, please! This is not a chemical engineering specific club even if the name sounds like it. Chemical reactions are used to start and stop the car, but how do you think the car is built? Sure, we chem e’s can probably figure something out, but it is always amazing when people from other disciplines join us. In the past we have had mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and computer scientists join us, and we always love having them. You guys understand things that we don’t and I don’t think we would be as successful as we are without you.

Contact us.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the club or if you would like to join the club and be added to our emailing list (this is different from the overall AIChE emailing list). You can also talk to Dr. Menicucci if you see him around and he will direct you to the team captain or get her your information.