AIChE Climate Conference 2021

April 9th-10th via zoom

our purpose

We aim to provide science backed data on climate change to ALL and inspire a community centered discussion on positive change.


April 9th, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


*Follow embedded links to watch recorded presentations

4:00 PM– Opening Remarks by Student Leadership Team 

4:05 PM– Dr. Cathy Whitlock

“Montana’s Changing Climate: Past to Future”

4:25 PM - Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Dr. Whitlock’s talk

4:30  PM– Dr. Tony Hartshorn

“You can't decarbonize without copperizing, osmiumizing, rhodiumizing, erbiumizing, etc.: How to mine our way to our sustainable development goals.”

4:50 PM - Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Dr. Hartshorn’s lecture

5:00 PM– Seonaid “Sho” B. Campbell

 Live presentation and Q&A

5:35 PM– Lill Erikson

Montana Grasslands Carbon Program

5:55 PM - Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Lil Erikson’s talk

*schedule subject to change

April 10th, 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM


*Follow embedded links to watch recorded presentations

10:00 AM– Student Engagement Session

Research presentations and student organization awareness:

Irene Greenberg: Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

Kristen Switzer: Intersectional Environmentalism & The Creation of the Liaison Position

Atticus Cummings: The Drawdown Brick

Nicholas Fitzmaurice: MSU Green Office Program

10:35 AM– Dr. Tom Armstrong

“Climate Policies and Regulatory Frameworks: Understanding the Past, Adapting the Present, and Promoting a Resilient Future”

10:55 AM - Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Dr. Armstrong’s talk

11:05  AM– Bryan Vadheim

“Hit Them in the Pocketbook: Economics in a Sustainable Future”

11:25 AM - Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Bryan Vadheim’s talk

11:35 AM– Dr. Catherine Kirkland

“Wastewater treatment for the 21st century: the case for aerobic granular sludge”

11:55 AM– Breakout Session

Moderated discussion regarding Dr. Kirkland’s talk

12:00 PM– 12:30 PM- Lunch Break

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM - Panel, Final Remarks

Live panel with selected speakers

*schedule subject to change

selected speakers

Featured businesses and organizations

sustainability comes in all aspects of life

We recognize and appreciate that sustainability, climate awareness, and climate education are not exclusive to the academic sector. As such, we have reached out to and are excited to feature local organizations and businesses devoted to sustainable business practices and climate goals.


Bozeman Bike Kitchen

The Bozeman Bike Kitchen promotes climate friendly transportation means with their motto: “Every butt on a bike!” Additionally, the Bozeman Bike Kitchen helps to refurbish and recycle bicycles.

Bozeman Bike Kitchen’s Advice on how to live a sustainable life: Take a bike instead of a car!

Western SARE

The Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (Western SARE) funds innovative projects driven by partnerships between researchers, farmers, ranchers, and agriculture professionals focused on sustainable agriculture for improved profitability, stewardship, and quality of life for rural communities. The goal of Western SARE is to find ways to protect the environment while enhancing farm income and quality of life through research and education.

Western SARE’s Advice on how to live a sustainable life: Incorporate three principles of agricultural sustainability: Environment, farm income, quality of life.

Student organization spotlight.


Green office program.

The Green Office Program at Montana State University was launched in Fall 2020 by MSU's Office of Sustainability. The program seeks to bring together a network of environmentally conscious campus members, instilling a sense of agency as these individuals learn to assess and reduce their environmental impact on campus. New Green Offices are inducted into the program every semester, consisting of an established workspace where office members commit to implementing specific strategies to address their environmental impacts.

Intersectional Environmentalism Liaisons

 We are a team of graduate students that is part of the Inner Mountain Leadership Program, which brings together graduate students at MSU from all disciplines and works towards being better, more inclusive leaders. This semester, each team of graduate students developed projects to implement on campus that are aimed at improving diversity, equity, and inclusion at MSU.

 Our group, which consists of Kristen Switzer, Megan Conley and Summer are working on incorporating intersectional environmentalism on campus. We hope to be able to help amplify BIPOC voices in the environmental movement. We are creating liaison positions within the Campus Climate Coalition that would actively work to amplify BICOP voices in the environmental movement on campus and in the community. We would like to propose the liaison positions to MSU and request funding to provide the individual in each position with compensation every semester. We are looking for students who are interested in developing this position further or who have ideas for projects this position could take on.


campus climate coalition

The Campus Climate Coalition (CCC) is a student-led, faculty-supported, and action-oriented group united through values of intersectional justice and aspirations for institutional change. The CCC fosters a welcoming environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds may come together in the shared pursuit of a more just, equitable, and livable future. Climate change is indelibly interconnected with many other pressing issues including racial injustice, social inequality, and environmental degradation. With the acknowledgment of these interconnections, we seek to utilize relationships to build momentum and further bold, concrete action at a systemic level within the Montana University System and beyond.


meet our team